Logo Fazenda Sao José

A coffee that captivates the world

About Fazenda São José

Our history

At the beginning of the 20th century, Giuseppe Barbieri was one of the millions of Italian immigrants who came to Brazil in search of a more prosperous life.

When he landed in Santos in 1909, he became José and was ready to work.

More than 30 years later, together with his family, he began his story with coffee in the interior of São Paulo. In 1979, his sons Pedro and José Valentim began a new chapter in Minas Gerais, now in the Cerrado Mineiro, an long and productive path.

Today, the Barbieri surname is synonymous with high quality coffee, recognized in Brazil and abroad.

Having our social and environmental responsibility recognized by the world’s leading experts is good, but receiving this confirmation from those who work on the Fazenda São José is even better.

We’re proud of the relationships built here, the planting of native trees in the Cerrado and the rational management of the crops help to preserve the natural balance and health of the environment.

That’s why Siriema, Banded Anteaters, Carcarás, Jacuzzi and the bees never have to move from here. On the Fazenda São José, the demand for water is controlled by the coffee trees, which spread over more than 100 hectares.

They always have what they need, since you can’t just depend on the rainfall as in Cerrado, all, of course, with a lot of technology, wisdom and parsimony.

Participating in the life and growth of our community is the best investment we can make. That’s why we enthusiastically support the project in the region’s schools to encourage reading habits among our children. We are fully aware of the transformative power of books and believe in the better future they help to build.

A short and exciting video on the history of the family

Farm facts

Location: Estrela do Sul, Minas Gerais
Extension: 208 hectares, around 800.000 plants
Harvest: May-September
Natural dry
Average altitude: 1004 mts
Average temperature: 22ºC
Variety: Bourbon, Catuaí, Mundo Novo, Paraiso, Topázio


To access a complete sample of photos visit the Photo Page

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